Research Grants from the CSHP Research and Education Foundation

Kelly Babcock , BSP, ACPR, FCSHP (Chair) , Carolyn Bornstein , BScPhm, ACPR, FCSHP, CGP , George De Angelis , Michael Hughes , BSc, BCom, APMR , Heather Neville , BScPharm, MSc , Glen Pearson , BSc, BScPhm, PharmD, FCSHP , Myrella Roy , BScPhm, PharmD, FCCP , Terri Schindel , BScPharm, ACPR, MCE, FCSHP , Marlo Taylor

The recent article by Zed and others1 highlights the unique and important role that the Research and Education Foundation of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (the CSHP Foundation) has played in advancing research among hospital pharmacists in Canada. Significant findings of the survey included the high number of publications and presentations of research results and the value that CSHP members placed on having their own funding body for hospital pharmacy research. The Board of the CSHP Foundation is pleased that the survey demonstrated the high quality of research performed and the need for this type of funding. We wholeheartedly agree with the investigators’ sentiment that the CSHP Foundation should increase the award amounts and fund more projects.

The survey respondents expressed the belief that the research conducted was clinically important. We concur with this assessment and would further suggest that CSHP Foundation research grants have many tangible and intangible benefits, including benefits to patient care, to pharmacists and other health provider colleagues, and to the pharmacy profession itself. The CSHP Foundation recently conducted its own survey of grant recipients to elicit these types of impacts. One respondent noted, “I think that having successfully obtained funding, complete[d] the project and published the results were crucial steps in securing respect as a researcher within the institution and relevant to receiving subsequent funding”.

The survey results presented by Zed and others1 indicate that CSHP members who receive grants believe the CSHP Foundation has a critical role in funding research. Indeed, the Foundation’s mission is to “support research and educational programs that advance patient-centred pharmacy practice in hospitals and related health care settings for the betterment of public health”. Since it was founded in 1988, the CSHP Foundation has provided this support through grants to CSHP members totalling nearly $350 000. However, the ability to fund research grants comes primarily from corporate donations (75%), with donations from individual members and branches (14%) and the proceeds of fundraising events at CSHP conferences (11%) accounting for much smaller proportion of available funds.

In 2012, the CSHP Foundation will embark on a promotional and fundraising plan to ensure sustainability and to increase the awards given to members for both research and education projects. The goal is to build a fund of $1 million by raising awareness among CSHP members of the value of the grants and their impact on patient care. The plan includes communicating more frequently with CSHP members and potential corporate donors about the value of donating to the CSHP Foundation, increasing administrative support for CSHP Foundation activities, and continuing a direct appeal to distinguished members of the Society such as Past Presidents, Distinguished Service Award recipients, and Fellows. However, to build a healthy, sustainable organization that is able to provide grants in the future, we also need the support of CSHP members. Such support can be provided by donating through annual appeals or during membership renewal, by volunteering to serve on the Board, or by organizing fundraising events either nationally or at the branch level. The CSHP Research and Education Foundation appreciates all the efforts made by members and corporate sponsors to ensure a vital, sustainable funding body for hospital pharmacy research and education. We would like to extend a special thank-you to the CSHP Research Committee for their diligence in reviewing the annual grant applications and for publishing their evaluation of the research grant program.1


1  Zed PJ, Ensom MHH, Slavik RS, Wilbur K, Kanji S, Koshman SL, et al. Evaluation of the Research Grant Program of the Foundation of the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 1995–2008. Can J Hosp Pharm 2011;64(6):399–404

Board Trustees, CSHP Research and Education Foundation

George De Angelis (AstraZeneca) and Michael Hughes (Sandoz) are the industry representatives on the Board of Trustees of the CSHP Foundation. ( Return to Text )

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Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy , VOLUME 65 , NUMBER 2 , March-April 2012