A Path Forward: The Strategy Towards Sustainability

Patrick Fitch

In previous commentaries, I have written about some of the changes in store for the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP), and you may have seen social media and video announcements about CSHP’s Strategy Towards Sustainability over the course of the summer. Here, I would like to share some details about how the strategy was developed and what it means for members.

The CSHP Executive completed work on the strategy in January. The Board and Branch Executives then provided robust scrutiny of the strategy and its assumptions, with the goals of transforming CSHP into a more relevant, responsive, membercentric, and thus valuable association, and ensuring responsible financial stewardship for the Society. These consultations led to further revisions, the net result being a multiyear strategy for complex, transformational change that will alter the way CSHP operates and lead to financial sustainability.

The strategy encompasses 5 pillars: growing membership by enhancing value; increasing profitability of programs; enhancing financial stewardship; exploring big ideas (such as technician membership, cannabis, and pharmacare); and strengthening infrastructure.

To accomplish the plan, CSHP will require an investment of about $950 000 over 4 years. The source of this investment will be CSHP’s reserves—in other words, the “rainy day” for which we built those reserves has now arrived. The breakdown of contributions will be 81% from the national reserve, 16% from Branch and Banff Seminar reserves, and 3% from unused funds accumulated by CSHP’s affiliated boards.

After approving the strategy in early March, the Board met in April to discuss options for determining specific Branch contributions. Foremost in these discussions was a remarkable concern for equity and fairness for all Branches. The options were presented to Branch presidents for consideration. The Branch presidents then met with the Board to decide upon the contribution formula.

At the time of writing (early summer), implementation of the strategy had begun. Under the “big ideas” pillar, CSHP has struck task forces on pharmacy technicians and cannabis, as well as an advisory circle to advise on implementing relevant Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Under the “strengthening infrastructure” pillar, Clara Wicke joined the CSHP office in the new role of Director of Marketing and Communication. Among her many tasks will be operationalizing the work of the membership recruitment and retention working groups and developing a marketing plan to help increase the profitability of the annual Professional Practice Conference (PPC). Part of that plan will see the PPC location circulate throughout Canada, beginning in 2022. Look for announcements about PPC’s first road trip.



This strategy will also have a significant impact on the next CSHP Strategic Plan. To ensure we do the best job of enhancing the CSHP membership experience, we will be surveying members for input to the Board’s strategic planning work at its fall meeting; the survey will be open from mid-August to mid-September.

This is my final commentary as a CSHP Presidential Officer. I look forward to watching the progress of CSHP in the coming years and feel grateful for having played a part in ensuring the ongoing success of our Society.

Patrick Fitch, BSP, ACPR, is Past President and Internal Liaison for the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists

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Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, VOLUME 72, NUMBER 4, July-August 2019